Monday, February 2, 2009

Vale! Venga!

Sorry for the long delay. Let me fill you in on life in Sevilla.
I arrived here a little over a week ago and have not quite fully adjusted to Spanish city life, but I’m getting there. I don’t mind using public transportation, staying out late, sharing a very small room, and living with a very sweet older Spanish lady named Lenor. Actually these are some of the things I really enjoy about this place.

There is a comfort in the chaos that is public transportation. I really never know what I’m going to get when I step on the bus, but a lot of the time I have the chance to practice a little Spanish and meet new/interesting people. It has been great.

As far as going out goes, the Spanish really know what they are doing. The last two nights I’ve gone out I didn’t leave the discothèque until 5 a.m. and the places were still jam packed. It’s frowned upon big time to be intoxicated so no worries mom and dad, I’m trying to give Americans a better image over here. One last thing about going out to dance clubs, none of the Spaniards really know how to dance. Maybe I’m going to the wrong places, but this has really surprised me. That being said I’m trying to share the wealth of dance knowledge that my friend Story so graciously shared with me.

So a lot of people told me that everything is smaller in Europe, due to the large amount of people in a small area I guess, but it still has been a shock. The cars, showers, supply of hot water, and even the people (not many fat people here) are all examples. The only thing that’s a lot larger here are the sugar packets you get with your espresso/cafĂ© con leche. I mean huge! So the room is a little smaller, but not bad at all, and I’m sharing it with a fun guy named Andrew who is from Virginia. We have had a good time exploring the city together.

And Lenor! Muy Amable! She is really taking care of me. The meals are very different but they have been amazing. I have liked everything except for the rice pudding, and Andrew ate the rest of mine so Leo (Lenor) wouldn’t know. This past Thursday I was enjoying all there is to enjoy with a full stomach, when I told Leo how much I enjoyed the meal. She gave my belly a little pat and said “te gusta mi cocina” you like my cooking. Si claro. Ha she is great.

One thing that I have missed dearly is the community that comes from being around other believers in Christ. Ryan and I met yesterday in Plaza de Jerez to pray for our time here and also to listen to a pod cast. I left really challenged and refreshed. I’m stoked to have Ryan and JD along for this adventure.

Sevilla is a large City, but even here the Spanish way of life over rules the fast paced life that normally accompanies a city. At first I was somewhat frustrated with the way things were done here. Maybe frustrated isn’t a good way to describe it. Unproductive/inefficient are the words I used to describe it to a friend. But my new friend JD helped me see it from another light. It’s not really that they are inefficient they just value different things here and one happens to be not rushing. Who am I, a 20 year old America, to say the Spanish have it wrong. I think I have a lot to learn from them.

In short it’s very different than Clemson, South Carolina, but I’m really growing to love Sevilla, and I know I have a lot to learn while I am here.

Thanks for the prayers


1 comment:

  1. Rob! it was so good to catch up on G-chat today even though it left me with a twinge of sadness that you aren't here. Also- last night I went swing dancing and felt a little lonely without my favorite wing-man!
    For real though, I really connect with what you said about the lack of Christian community. the G-C boys will certainly be praying that God would provide such fellowship for you man. I cant imagine how much your learning. looking forward to talking on video G-Chat some more.
